Monday, February 21, 2011

Food for thought

You know how sometimes we, as parents especially, long for just some "me" time.  A time with quiet and solace.  The eerie kind.  Well, Sarah and Bayley are in Pennsyvlania visiting her family and have been since Saturday.  I am not going to go get them until next Wednesday, so that left me with a week and a half of that kind of quiet I was describing.  Now, that I have it, it's very weird for it to be so quiet in the house.  To be honest, too quiet.  I miss my two favorite girls in the world and it's so different without them in the house keeping me occupied.  However, I suppose I will relish the time I do have to sit.  It just goes to show it's not always greener on the other side. 

On another note, I saw the video at the bottom or your screen tonight on Facebook.  The story is sad and touching.  Watching this video and relishing how this man viewed his life makes me examine my outlook on things in my life.  Do you ever see some of these sad, even sometimes tragic, situations and ask yourself how you would handle that hand had it been dealt to you?  I do that quite often.  Most times I disappoint myself by knowing I would not have such a fantastic outlook on life, because I should know better and have a better perspective.  I hope I have that perspective one day. 

I encourage you to watch this man's video and let it sink it.  One line that really caught me, which you will hear, is.."If God choosed to heal me, then God is God, and God is good!  If God chooses not to heal me and allows me to die, God is still God, and God is still good!"

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